
Gaynor Williams, CEO

You can find me… here, there and everywhere. Sometimes I am in my office thinking about our future, how to make sure we can be the best for our community and how we are going to pay for it.

You can come to me... to inspire me with your ideas, celebrate your successes, receive support if you need help to bring a plan to life or have a moan about life, the universe and everything.

You can make me smile with… a day out with my grandchildren, taking Flo out for a little stroll and offering me a nice cold glass of IPA.

Amanda, Finance Administrator

You can find me…

You can come to me… 

You can make me smile with…

Kieran McCarthy-Hoare, Event Sales Manager

You can find me… making sure our operation runs smoothly day in day out. From grinding coffee beans in the café or adding the finishing touches to a wedding, I’m not likely to be in the same place for long!

You can come to me for… my super organisational skills to help plan any event. Whether it’s a small business meeting, your little one’s birthday party or the wedding you’ve always dreamed of – I’ll be ready to discuss all the details with you over a coffee in The Old Library.

You can make me smile with… a nice chat!

Lizzie McCarthy, Childcare Manager

You can find me… in the office or within the childcare rooms engaging with the children and staff promoting a happy environment.

You can come to me for… any support or information regarding childcare. I am always here to support our families as well as the staff.

You can make me smile with… spending quality time with my family and friends or watching a good tv series!

Edward Doran, Heritage Maintenance Manager

You can find me… in my office or out on site completing daily maintenance tasks as well as accompanying contractors around our beautiful building. But be quick because I tend to move around quite a bit!

You can come to me for… help and advice on any matter. If I can’t solve something I can always point you in the right direction of someone who can.

You can make me smile with… with a conversation about my beautiful grandchildren or my beloved LFC. Oh and not forgetting a nice glass of wine. 

Holly Taylor-Smith, Community Engagement Manager

You can find me… looking for something to do or new initiatives, if I am not chatting to somebody around the building I will be in the office. 

You can come to me for… anything! A confidential  chat, advice or just to let off steam.

You can make me smile with… a smile, saying hello, oh and a big bag of jelly sweets helps!