Partner with us

At Lister Steps, we understand that amazing things can happen when people join forces to make a difference.

That’s why we’re always looking for new community partners to bring different experiences & opportunities to our local area. With open, accessible & multi-functional spaces available at The Old Library, we are the perfect place for you to share your skills and talents with our community.

Whether you need a venue to deliver your activities or you have an idea that we can help you bring to life, we would love to hear from you.

Get in touch

Case Studies

We’ve been lucky to collaborate with some inspiring individuals & organisations from across Liverpool City Region. Take a look at what we’ve achieved by working together.

Aziza’s Belly Dancing

We met Carolyn – or Aziza as she’s known on stage – at one of our open days where she told us she was a belly dancing teacher and that she’d love to bring one of her classes to The Old Library. After 20 people turned up to the first free taster session, we knew it would be a hit. Carolyn has years of experience and now runs weekly drop-in classes in The Old Library helping us get fit whilst having fun & making friends.

We’re always looking to try things that are a bit different at The Old Library. Do you have a unique skill or talent you could share to improve wellbeing in our community? If so, get in touch.

Lister Drive Artists

This local group of artists used to meet in a local church but when it closed down, they needed a new home and now they meet every week in The Old Library. As a talented group of individuals, they offered to share their skills with the children we look after, using art to bring older & younger generations together.

Through summer workshops during our Holiday Play scheme, group members Pat & Dot helped us paint tiles reflecting what we think about our community and we all worked together to make a nature mural, based on an amazing piece that Pat had painted.

We’re passionate about bringing people together to share experiences and learn from each other. If you have an idea for how we can make new connections in our community, we’d love to hear from you.


PlacED have helped us get hands on with heritage regeneration through inspirational workshops for both primary & secondary students. With their help, we’ve used The Old Library project as a way to get young people thinking about the value of heritage buildings within communities and their potential to be transformed into spaces where people can come together. With site visits, design workshops and a four day Easter school, we’ve had a lot of fun getting creative with planning & model-making…so much so that we want to do some sessions for adults next!

Can you help us bring innovative education & engagement opportunities to children and young people?

Get in touch to discuss your ideas.

You can get in touch with us at or give us a call on 0151 254 1394